Littleton Parks, Recreation and Community Education
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School Year Adventures

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  • SYA logoThis program is for early release days of school aka Half-Days. This is for youth in grades 3rd - 12th. The program will have a schedule of school dismissal until 6:00pm. LMS students will walk over to The Club following dismissal. RSS will be met by staff to walk over together. During inclement weather, vans will be used to transports both LMS and RSS students over to The Club. LHS students are responsible for their own transportation to The Club. Registration Deadline is midnight the Sunday before each trip.

    School Dismissal Schedule:
    11:20pm - LMS
    11:35pm - LHS
    12:10pm - RSS

    Departure and Return times will vary depending on the trip, but will typically occur between 1pm-5pm.
    Pick-up ends at 6:00 PM. Unless the trip is delayed, late pick-up fees will be applied for anyone remaining at THE CLUB after 6:05 PM. 

    THE CLUB Member Fee: $50/trip*
    Non Member Fee: $65/trip

    *If you are a CLUB member, your membership discount will be applied on the checkout page as a fee adjustment. If you do not see the discount applied please contact the office.

    2025 Planned Trips
    Jan. 8: Level 99 - **CANCELLED**

    Feb. 5: Cupcake Decorating & Movie - Let's bake some cupcakes and then turn them into polar bears in this workshop led by Kimberly Stoney. Once complete we will head up to THE CLUB for a movie. Registration Ends: 2/2

    Mar. 5: Art Signals - Let's get creative at Art Signals Studio! We will be painting wooden boards using acrylics and stencils and if time permits participants will also be able to paint a piece of pottery. Registration for this program will open on February 18 and has a max of 20 spots available. Registration Ends: 3/2

    **Trips are schedule to change**

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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