Littleton Parks, Recreation and Community Education
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Chess Wizards

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Instructor: Chess Wizards

Program Description:
Chess Wizards is so popular with kids because of our unique structure. First, we let kids get the wiggles and giggles out with 10 minutes of free play and review past taught topics. We then go right into the week's lessons. We separate students based on skill levels and teach different lessons best suited to their individual needs. All lessons have an activity and homework to accompany them and we have well over 80 different lessons to keep challenging our little wizards!

Summer Schedule
July 21-25
Half Day: 9am-12 Noon Cost: $295R / $310NR
Full Day: 9am-3pm Cost: $436R / $451NR
Location: Littleton Middle School

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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