Littleton Parks, Recreation and Community Education
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Embrace the Unknown with Certainty

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When you learn from the past and use it as a stepping stone, you psychologically turn the past into a positive. You are using what you have learned to BENEFIT yourself and others in the present moment. You will understand through your experience that it is not the external problem that is the issue, but how you are interpreting the situation that is impacting how you feel. By expanding your awareness and objectively observing your behavior, you are NOW in a position of POWER. Increased self awareness expands your options. As you identify habitual behavioral patterns that are self defeating, you can transition into the powerful energy of having a CORRECTIVE EXPERIENCE. You can do this by taking a new ACTION STEP in opposition to your past choices and behaviors. YOUR choices and decisions are the building blocks for your future. Overgiving - Overhelping - Fairness Patrol- Worry Habit - Thought Cascade - Actively Resting are the topics you will review. Overgiving: A manipulative strategy to gain love and approval from other people at great emotional cost to yourself. Overhelping: Pointing out the faults you find in another person, and MISTAKENLY BELIEVING they are going to thank you for your efforts. Fairness Patrol: When you are wasting your precious time ACTIVELY noticing what other people (including complete strangers) are doing wrong from a mindset of fault finding. Worry Habit: Sets a powerful INTENTION for what you DO NOT WANT in the future. WORRY HABIT projects negative expectation of what you fear will happen in your life, and in the lives of those you love Actively Resting: Taking time ONLY for you. ACTION STEPS balanced with ACTIVELY RESTING are an energizing combination Developing a peaceful friendship with the realities of CHANGE and UNCERTAINTY is a life long process. Learn to listen and follow your INTERNAL WISDOM. It is speaking all the time

6 main topics:
Fairness Patrol
Worry Habit
Thought Cascade
Actively Nesting

Class is overall focused on Cognitive Behavioral Principles.

included in the cost for this class you will receive a copy of Marianne's book which delves into all the topics of the class!

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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